Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week Four:Twitter and URL Shorteners

After so many weeks away from this, I'm rushing again to catch up, hoping the course won't be finished before I get to try out all the various exercises. I am daily convinced of the importance of having a Facebook page for my archives, but twittering....? It's hard to appreciate, especially with the attachements of so much else on individual tweets. I suppose it's an art form, reducing what you want to say to 140 characters, but doesn't appeal to me.
But truly, I do appreciate the chance to try to experiment around with these things, and would like to be able to follow up on every one of the links for more resources. Will this site be gone after the 12th week?

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, the 23 Things for Archivists blog will stick around indefinitely for now, so don't worry if you are not completely caught up and finish exactly on time. While the Things officially end soon, if you don't finish exactly on time I will still subscribe to your blog feed and try to be of assistance when possible!

